Thursday, July 26, 2007

"...,My most valuable things!!!!"

My most valuable things for is the ANIME and our computer...Anime becoz' i really really like their story and for it's very very interesting to watch... The story of each anime can give us advise or can make us realize...(char!!) The characters of each anime's are so seductive so they can attract many people...(I'm one of them!!heheheh)...

my second valuable thing is our computer because i enjoy playing it...And one thing why i like it so much, it's because all my anime pictures and all my favorites games are saved their...I really love our computer because it's very useful, specially by making our project....ehehehhe....,i know that many of us like to play computer so they treasure it... like me...ahhhmmm...the game devil may cry is save to our computer so i really really treasure our computer...and my second fovorite game that save into our computer is Resident Evil and Tomb Raider...............wahahahahahahahah...........

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